AFMA is dedicated to the professional growth and development of its members with particular emphasis on administration and coordination of health care delivery, education and research within Family Medicine Residency Programs.

Committee Involvement

As an AFMA member, you are cordially invited to join one of our organization’s committees. These various committees are responsible for developing activities that support AFMA’s mission. Committee membership is a great way to have a voice in the activities of the organization as well as network with your peers. We offer a variety of choices and varying levels of time commitment. You will have the leadership of an AFMA Board member on each committee, so you will be well supported in your work. Please consider becoming involved.

Education – Residency Leadership Summit (RLS) Program Planning Committee will work with representatives from AFMRD and FMRNA to plan jointly sponsored activities, prepare information to be included in the online newsletter about the annual conference, develop topics relevant to the membership for the conference and encourage members to submit proposals to the committee for consideration. This committee is also responsible for contracting the keynote speaker for the annual AFMA Board meeting held during the conference. The period of highest activity is June through October with moderate time commitment.

Education – Residency Administrative Development (RAD) Workshop Committee will be responsible for planning for the RAD Workshop held annually prior to the RLS Conference. They may also help plan a topic for presentation at the National Conference for Family Medicine Residencies (NCFMR). The period of highest activity is June through October with moderate time commitment.

Education – Audio and Web-Conferencing Committee is tasked with providing educational offerings to a larger number of our membership. This committee will determine educational needs and address them through either audio conferences or web-based conferences. These conferences will be offered periodically throughout the year to benefit members who are unable to attend PDW/RLS or who desire additional training not otherwise available to coordinators and administrators.

Fundraising & Marketing Committee works on specific fundraising projects to support the educational activities of AFMA.
In addition, they are responsible for reviewing suggested fundraising activities to ensure appropriateness. Members research and advise on funding opportunities for the organization. A moderate time commitment is required.

Information Exchange – Website Committee will assure web content is reviewed and updated on a continual basis. They are also tasked with maintaining the shared documents library on the website. The Webmaster will be responsible for posting upcoming webinars and announcements, setting up online event registrations, and uploading the newsletter. In addition, this group may suggest information for our Facebook page as an opportunity for real time updates.

Information Exchange – Media Committee is responsible for ensuring that AFMA members receive relevant information on a regular basis. The committee members are responsible for soliciting and/or writing articles for each issue of the newsletter. Participation in newsletter publication is a fun way to contribute and get to know about AFMA. A moderate time commitment is expected.

Membership Committee primarily recruits and retains members. The committee contacts non-renewing members, residency programs and medical schools without members to promote the organization. The committee develops membership materials, helps to orient new members, and actively promotes AFMA through a variety of activities. This committee will also oversee the Mentoring Partnership Program. They will ensure that we have a sufficient number of mentors available to support the needs of the membership. The period of highest activity is July through January. A moderate to significant time commitment is expected.

Mentoring Committee focuses on and works to increase participation in the Mentoring Partnership Program.  A program that offers support and encouragement to new and seasoned coordinators.  This committee also provides mentoring resources for successful Mentor/Mentee partnerships and recognizes mentors for their efforts.


Quick Contact

Inquiries & Support

800-274-2237 ext. 6356

Mailing Address

11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211-2672


(913) 906-6084

Office Hours

Monday - Friday (9 AM - 5 PM CST)